LG appoints Mubarik Gul as Speaker Protem


Srinagar, Oct 18: The Lieutenant Governor, in pursuance to Section 24 of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019, has appointed Mubarik Gul, Member Legislative Assembly, as Speaker Protem who shall administer the oath/affirmation to all members of the J&K Legislative Assembly for the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir in terms of Section 24 of aforesaid Act.

The oath/ affirmation will be administered in the Legislative Assembly, Srinagar, on 21st October, 2024 at 02:00 pm.

Hind Guru

All the members of the J&K Legislative Assembly have been urged upon to attend the Legislative Assembly for making and subscribing the oath/affirmation on the scheduled date and time.

Mubarik Gul shall also discharge the functions of the Speaker till the election of the Speaker is held, added an official communication issued in this regard.


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