Milad-un-Nabi or the birthday of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) is the perfect day to encourage mercy and compassion.
Prophet PBUH treated others with mercy, love and compassion throughout his life. Whether it be women, children or even minorities, the Prophet was beneficial to all the people that he met. In fact, his caring and compassionate attitude even extended towards animals. There is no doubt that Prophet Muhammad PBUH truly deserves the title of Rahmatul-lil-Alameen, which would translate as ‘a mercy for all worlds’.
ALLAH sent Prophet PBUH as a symbol of mercy. The Quran affirms this in an Ayah ‘… We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy unto the worlds.’ (21:107). The entire life of Prophet PBUH is a manifestation of this Ayah as he treated others in the best way possible. In fact, in every moment of his life, he practically demonstrated mercy and compassion towards others.
It has already been established that the Prophet constantly benefited others throughout his life. One Ayah mentions that: ‘Indeed you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example…’ (33:21). Therefore, a follower of the Messenger of Allah should also be inclined towards benefitting others. A true follower would strive to be good towards others and would actually perform good deeds.
Unfortunately, there are some groups that have chosen to misrepresent Prophet PBUH as the face of terrorism. Propaganda is a tool that these groups excessively use. Due to the persistent efforts of such groups, some Non-muslims hesitate at the very mention of Prophet PBUH. These Non-muslims have been made to believe that the Prophet encouraged bloodshed. Countering this mindset with wisdom is important.
The perceived association of terrorism with Prophet PBUH is truly unfortunate. Muslims must especially ask themselves whether they have taken any step to correct this perception.
It is worth noting that the birthday of Prophet PBUH was named ‘Milad-un-Nabi’ about four centuries after the Prophet(PBUH) passed away.
With the arrival of Milad-un-Nabi, there are a few steps that should be taken. Firstly the Muslim community should begin to refer to Milad-un-Nabi as ‘Compassion Day’. This step can be taken by any individual who wishes to express his love and regard for the Prophet PBUH. In addition to the first step, every individual should also perform a good deed. The more people that join to this cause, the clearer the message will be.
Overall, the Muslim community should join hands to send the right message to the world. After all, Prophet PBUH inspires the values of love and compassion. ALLAH sent Prophet PBUH so that he could set an example for others to follow. Therefore, the followers of Prophet PBUH should also exemplify these values.
Celebrations should not be an exclusive affair. There is a need to personally reflect on how Muslims can celebrate the day in a more meaningful way.
The collective efforts of the community will show others how Prophet PBUH encouraged good deeds. Even a small step like helping someone cross the road or taking a sick animal to the vet should be taken. These small steps will add up to build a better image of Prophet PBUH and Islam around the world.

If anyone holds mercy and compassion, it is naturally expressed in a way that benefits others. Those who consider the Prophet as a ‘mercy for all worlds’ also need to become beneficial. The presence of such values can never be hidden from society.
With such efforts, people will begin to associate the Prophet PBUH with mercy and compassion. Not only is this a practical step to communicate the values Prophet PBUH encouraged, but it is also an inherently kind step.
If one city is able to celebrate Milad-un-Nabi as Compassion Day, more cities will follow. The recognition of the Prophet’s birthday as Compassion Day, will change mindsets and encourage goodness. Eventually, the demand can even be presented to the UN to officially declare the Prophet’s birthday as Compassion Day. The day that happens, more and more people around the world will be introduced to the compassion of the Prophet PBUH through his followers.
Both effort and commitment are needed on the part of the Muslims. At most, it would take a few years to get the day officially declared as Compassion Day by the UN.
Since Prophet PBUH was a source of compassion to others, referring to this day as Compassion Day is a great way to show the world his benevolence.
Courtesy: This write up is based on the sermon, ‘Why is 12 RABI UL AWWAL known as COMPASSION DAY?’ delivered by Allama Syed Abdullah Tariq, founder of WORK (World Organisation of Religions and Knowledge)