Welfare Party of India(WPI) condemns Cabinet clearance to Citizenship Amendment Bill(CAB) 2019 and calls is unconstitutional and discriminatory.

Welfare Party of India condemns Cabinet clearance to Citizenship Amendment Bill

Globaltoday.in |New Delhi

Dr. Syed Qasim Rasool Ilyas National President of Welfare Party of India(WPI) strongly criticised the clearance given by the cabinet  to Citizenship Amendment bill (CAB)2019.

He said the bill is unconstitutional as it violates Article 14,15 &16 of the constitution.

He said this Bill  is discriminatory as it aims to amend the Citizenship Amendment Act of 1995 and aims at giving Indian Citizenship to Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhist, Jains, Parsis and Christian refugees if they have entered India from Afghanistan, Pakistan & Bangladesh on or before December 31st 2014 leaving out only Muslims and said this is against the spirit of pluralism and defeats the much acclaimed slogan of BJP party Sabka Saath-Sabka Vikas.

Dr Ilyas said the BJP party is pushing the RSS agenda of establishing a Hindu Rashtra through this Bill, destroying the idea of socialist, secular, democratic republic India.

He added that this Bill is passed for political reasons to create vote bank and not on any humanitarian grounds as many refugees from other neighboring countries like Myanmar,Tibet and Srilanka are ignored.

He pointed out that this Bill is introduced to distract the people from real issues while this government has failed on all fronts and has also failed to provide jobs to its own citizens, how will it provide for the refugees, he asked.

He said this government must  think beyond hindu muslim binary and address the real issues of this country.

He said the government is not taking into consideration the huge influx which will alter the demography and affect the ethnicity of the indigenous people in the North Eastern States by legalizing the illegal Non Muslims through this bill.

Dr Ilyas warned and said that the nation bled with two nation theory which resulted in partition and not to revisit it by introducing such a divisive bill.

He implored all political parties to strongly oppose it.

He called all the citizens to stand united and carry out agitation and campaign through out the nation till the government withdraws it.