Kashmir: DC Srinagar finalizes Action Plan for IPPI-2022


About 20 lakh children to get polio vaccine, 668 booths set up in Srinagar

Globaltoday.in | Kashmir | GNS

The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad today finalized the Action Plan and arrangements put in place in the district for smooth conduct of Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Programme (IPPI) -2022 scheduled for February 27,  in a meeting held here.

On the occasion, the DC was apprised that as many as 198984 children of the district in the age group of 0-5 years will be administered polio vaccines on February 27 across the district for which adequate arrangements have been put in place.

The DC was informed that 668 vaccination booths have been established in five medical zones of the district with deployment of 3154 officials, besides, 19 Transit vaccination booths operated by CMO/Dy CMO, Block and Zone level have been set up to facilitate the people.

The meeting among others was attended by Chief Medical Officer, Dr Jameel, Deputy CMO, Dr Nighat and all Zonal Medical Officers GNS reprted.

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