Jhelum Crosses Flood Alarm Mark Of 18-ft At Sangam In South Kashmir


Srinagar, June 22: Jhelum on Wednesday crossed ‘flood alarm’ mark of 18-ft mark at Sangam in south Kashmir following rains for past few days.

According to a representative of the Irrigation and Flood Control Department, the water level at Sangam gauge at 10 p.m. was 18.18, which is 18 notches over the “flood alarm” mark and about three feet below the 21-foot line at which flood is declared.

According to the officials, the water level at Ram Munshi Bagh in Srinagar at lunchtime was 12.50 feet, which is roughly 3.5 feet below the alarm level of 16 feet and 4.5 feet below flood level of 19 feet.

The official reported that the Jhelum level was 6.74 feet at Asham in the Bandipora district as opposed to 13.5 feet when flood warnings are issued for north Kashmir.

The Jhelum River had been at its lowest point in numerous years until recently, but the previous few days of rain had caused a significant rise in the water level.

Regarding some tributaries, the official said, the water level in Vishow Nallah at Khudwani was 10.61m while the nallah Lidder at Batkoot was at 1.31 m. The weatherman has forecast improvement in the weather and it was unlikely that fllod is ultimately declared even though water level in Srinagar and north Kashmir may increase in next few hours due to downward flow, an expert said.

People from the SMC reported that there was water logging in certain sections of Srinagar in the meantime. They stated that “mobile dewatering pumps have also been deployed and static dewatering stations are completely operational.”

“There is flash-flood like situation in Tailbal, Khushipora areas of North Srinagar,” they said, adding, “Teams are being deployed to aid efforts of J&K Lake Conservation and Management Authority there as well.”



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