Avoid ‘ZOOM Meeting Platform’ for official purposes: MHA to Govt employees

Zoom App
Zoom app is an unsafe platform for using official purpose-MHA

Globaltoday.in|Ubaid Iqbal|New Delhi

NEW DELHI, APRIL 16: The Cyber Coordination Centre (CyCord), under the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), today issued an advisory stating Government employees should avoid the use of ZOOM Meeting Platform for official purposes.

The advisory deemed Zoom as an unsafe platform and it advised the private users to adhere to certain security settings in order to safe guard its privacy.

The Advisory urged private users not to use personal meeting Id (PMI) to host event. “Instead use randomly generated meeting IDs for each event.

Don’t share your link on public platform, instead share randomly generated meeting ID and password for every new meeting session/schedule. It makes it much secure and difficult to leak. If you are admin, remember to end meeting, don’t just leave meeting,” reads the advisory.